Monday, January 7, 2008

Mr. Sandman...bring me some sand the truck load.

Neal and I have really been struggling lately to get Ellie in bed. Or at least to stay in bed. The bedtime routine is really Neal's domain and the girls will tell you flat out, "We don't like Mama to put us to bed. Mama doesn't do it right. Papa does it better." Which is totally fine by me. I love that they share that special time...Neal works so hard...I'm glad that a part of almost each day is just for them. And I'm a big fat pushover. If I was in charge...the girls would be sleeping in our bed...get gallons of milk in the night...and all the lights would be on. I will cave every time--selling out to whatever gets me sleep in the moment versus healthy sleep patterns.

Not that our kids never get to sleep with us...they are welcome if they are sick...or have a bad night. And as long as you don't wet the bed...they can have as much water as they want. And Addy has been sleeping with a flashlight on to sooth her nighttime fears. Neal's better at the long run routines...and I'm better with the compassion when we need it.

It's a good system.

But lately...I don't think Ellie would stay in her bed if we duck taped her there.

Ellie was telling me the story today of the bedtime drama last night.

Ellie: and...Papa pick me up off the floor...and I cried and I jumped and jumped...and he still made me get in bed...and I cried and I cried and I SNORTED. And then Papa took my yellow Care Bear lovie and my black puppy lovie...and my fuzzy blankie. And I cried and cried.
Me: Were you being naughty last night?
Ellie: (head hung down) Yeah.


  1. Ahh...poor kid. Does that keep Addy awake, too?

    We never got to hang out again before I had to come back to work. Stink! Is Neal working this Thursday night (you could come to bunco if he's not) or on Tues, Jan 22 (you could come to my jewelry party if he's not)??

    You need to come see the nursery!

  2. I've had that song stuck in my head all day!!! And what a day to have it sruck in my head- I'm exhausted!!! G had to be to work at 6:30 this morning- so we've been up since 5:30! (Yawn)

  3. How funny (well, not really...cause it's not really funny to have a kid up all night not sleeping)! Malachi certainly has his nights like that too. They must be related!

    How fun that I found your blog! Yea for us that we can keep in touch!
