Sunday, January 27, 2008


Jill: I'm so glad we have dinner friends...and all kinds of stuff friends.
Me: Me tooooooooooo.

Today is Neal's birthday. He is 28. We got to celebrate with our amazing friends Jill and Sean. We finally finally finally got babysitters for all our kids and went out together. We had so much fun. The M. and W. households have been a little tense and maxed out the past few I wasn't sure if our date night would be a good idea or not. I nearly backed out at the last minute. senses returned and at least for me...I had an awesome night and it did me a world of good.

By the time we got on the highway to dinner...the car was full of 4 laughing friends...and I don't think we stopped laughing.

We had free dinner we all ate a silly silly amount of food. Neal got to have homemade tortillas and tacos today....and steak...and shrimp...and cheesecake.

Neal has all these amazing stories from work...and one time I laughed so hard cheesecake just about came out my nose.

We also at Neal's request went to see Cloverfield. He loved it...I was entertained.

Jill: time can we see a chick flick?
Neal: We didn't make you see Rambo with us last time...this WAS the chick flick.
Sean: Any movie that ends with I love a chick flick.

I have some new friends I'd like to tell you about...another time though...Penny and Harry Gillman.

Happy Birthday Neal...I hope this super fun evening is just the first of a year of fun and laughter and love. And you creeps me out that Heath Ledger was only 28. I don't know what I would ever do without you. You are my North Star.

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