Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Great Divide

I'm not in this picture, nor is any of my family, but it might as well be us.


  1. Exactly which part of your family are you referring to?? =)

  2. Oh man us too. I won't tell either side who I'm voting for (if I vote at all, which is one of the big arguments because it's our "CHRISTIAN DUTY" to vote and be a good merican.)

  3. I have to vote. Not because it is the "Christian Duty" (which is thrown at me a lot). My idea is much simpler. If you don't vote, you don't show your opinion. Therefore, you have no right to complain. Don't get upset with the way things are, if you didn't have your say.

    Besides, I have to cancel out the Catholic Democrats next door. Hee hee. (this is a big joke with the neighbors)
