Tuesday, April 15, 2008

blogger break

I am taking a blog break. You know that bank commercial...I think it may be for Capital Federal. The one where the guy comes out talking about so and so ... and whatever...and he's like..."I know...because I'm her bank!"

That is exactly how my internet service works. Except the guy blabing really is REAL and is my neighbor and is taking my internet service away for a while.

No no no...he isn't being mean...he's off to California to work on his life's calling of Stuck in the Middle. He's meeting up with some important people to work out some details for the upcoming event tour. Wow. Huge stuff...keep him in your prayers.

So...I'm taking a blog break. Miss me.


  1. Again?!?!? :-( Well, just write lots of posts and save them to post when you get your internet back!!! :-)
    Miss you - love you! Have a nice break!

  2. But, but, but...what will I do without you? Miss you already...
