Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Gratituesday: Earth Day

It's Earth Day. And I thought no better day to announce publicly to the world that I am a (fairly new) tree hugger...and that I believe global warming is very real. And I think its nuts you have say, "I believe it." But whatever. Some of my best friends and family members do not...and I love them wholly and entirely anyway.

Although...there is a statistic out there that says that if everyone in America just replaced one regular light bulb with an energy efficient one...that it would be the same as removing a million cars from the roads. I am calculating how many of my friends and family I have to put extra bulbs in MY house to make up for them. :)

Anyway...I am sooo grateful for this amazing earth that God has made. I am grateful for the beautiful Kansas blue sky against the beautiful spring green. I love the pink in blooming tree outside that really pops against the blue sky. I am so glad God designed this amazing tree in my parents front yard that stretches way into the blue and bursts green but the trunk is ancient and twisty and amazing.

I am also soooo grateful that I do not live in a war torn country -- a country that its national resources have been ravaged or burned. I think about Kabul and how the city is in ruins with all the trees cut down. So sad.

I'm not the most energy efficient person. I don't remember to turn out the lights...but I'm trying...in the name of the environment...not dollars on my bill. I will insist we drive 2 cars to the same place if we need to...and I insist on running my bedroom fan allll day.

But I am recycling all our cardboard boxes...trying to buy products with minimal or recyclable packaging...reusing my ziplock bags (somewhere my mom's mouth is hanging open...I hate doing this)...slowing getting energy efficient bulbs...refusing to buy bottled water this summer...trying to recycle paper and pop cans...trying to buy local food this summer. I'm working on it.

And I don't really get the all the fuss over it. Doesn't it just make sense to take care of the planet we live on? Doesn't it just make sense there are so many people making so much trash that there must be a limit. Does anyone not think our air and water is polluted. Whatever. Doesn't trying to just live a little better for the generations make sense??? Apparently now to some people...so I am also trying to learn everything I can about global warming so that I don't stand there and go uh....when someone bashes it. In love of course. :)

My shirt today is blue...with a whale on it...and the whale is saying...SAVE THE HUMANS!!!!!!! Its my new fave shirt. And the girls have matching yellow shirts that has a super cute monkey hugging the earth.

I sent cookies to Addy's school today that were round sugar cookies with a little notch cut out of them. I put green glaze on top...with a flower and a pond critter (frog, turtle, caterpillar, butterfly, grasshopper). They were sitting all on a blue tray. Get it...they were lily pads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are so grateful for our comfy yummy planet. Thank you God.


  1. I've got a couple of cool whip bowls I'll save for ya! ;-)
    I agree with you - there is a point to be responsible, and a point where it goes over the edge. We usually take one car to work, & G drops me off- but if I need to go somewhere on my lunch break I don't mind taking my car. Thanks for the vote of confidence comment too.
    Love ya! :-)

  2. I don't really believe this whole Al Gore global warming theory per se... but, I do believe we are not being very responsible for the planet our God has blessed us with. We are trying to our part, one bit at a time, and you'll be happy to know we're about 50/50 on the energy efficient bulbs in our house... they're just so darn pricey!

  3. Yea for you...you are making so many great changes!!! And you're right...it does just make so much sense to do these things. It does take a little effort...but it's not HARD.

    Um and can I just stand up and scream..."HOORAY...YOU HAVE YOUR OWN INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    (sorry about that outburst...but I AM excited to be in touch with you more regularly.)

    (we can talk more often about our tree huggin' experiences this way...)

  4. Great post.. :-) We have the energy efficient bulbs all throughout our house.

    Oh and ee had to buy an energy efficient washer and dryer when we got the new house, so we could be doing our part. I'm definitely not complaining about that purchase, even if it will take a couple years to earn back in savings what we spent on it. :-)

  5. I heard a news report the other day saying now they are worried about mercury poisoning in landfills because of the mercury in the new light bulbs.

    It's like you win on one playing field and lose on another! So if one breaks use gloves to clean it up!!

    I've been reusing shopping bags, and OKC has curbside recycling which is awesome!

    And maybe when the time comes, some day, far far away, I'll look into cloth diapering. Maybe possibly. If i can get past the YUCK factor.

  6. I also heard that the mining they do for the nickel batteries for hybrid cars is like such a blight on the environment. I guess the area they mine in is so destroyed it could be used for nuclear testing.

    Sigh. Humans. We are a mess. :)
