Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gratituesday: Music Machine edition (thanks Sally)

With a ball of white string
I can do many things
Tie a bow on a gift for you

Fly a kite free
Tie a star to a tree
Strap a sling
Make a ring for a trick or two

Twirl and
Wind things

Tie up and Bind things

But there are some things that string can never do

String can't bind a broken heart
when its been torn apart
Mend a friendship that's almost through

Can't pull hate out
Tie up fear
Wrap out doubt

String is useless when it comes to me and you


I'm grateful for the one who does what string cannot do.
Check out Laura at Heavenly Homemakers who is hosting Gratituesday.


  1. Your last post made me cry... this one made me sob. My brothers and sister and I used to LOVE the Music Machine. We listened to our record ALL the time. My sister and I would sing the songs with hair brushes or other items, pretending to use microphones while we sang.

    A few years back, when Samuel was about 3, I found the Music Machine on CD, bought it for him, and he LOVED it too - he learned all the songs. I need to dig it out so lil Allan and Martha can start enjoying it.

    The songs are simple, but they have touched me greatly. Thanks for the good cry...

  2. Char, I grew up on it, too. That's why I had to pass it on to my nieces. I LOVE it! You can buy all of those old CDs for cheap at CBD.com.

    Jayme, I'm so glad you're enjoying it. I can't wait til I can sing all those songs w/ Lil Major.

  3. Well, am I out of the loop? I don't remember Music Machine. I'll have to check into it!

  4. Ok, I thought I was the only person left on the face of the planet who liked music machine. I just found a 2 CD/1 DVD set at Walmart the other day! It was the missing CD I didn't have and the DVD of a singalong. For 10 bucks no less!
    Jayme, I love you and your authenticity on here...when can we have a picnic?

  5. I am so not getting what this is about. Never heard of this Music Machine you speak of. But I really like the thing you are grateful for today. The ONE who can do a lot more than a piece of string... profound.

    You are so special!

  6. Music Machine is a musical that we performed in youth group growing up. It takes place in "Agape Land" and there are all kinds of musicals and characters that came out of it. It's SOOO fun and so educational for kids. I will never forget the words to those songs I learned over 25 years ago!

  7. Christi...I have soooo appreciated each call, each message, and each invitaion. I have either been unable...or out of town. Things are about to slow down I think...lets make a plan!!!!!!!
