Friday, December 14, 2007

I can't believe I'm getting slighted AGAIN!

All day long the map for my area was shaded in the 5-9 inches color. It's like the weather always skips me. Just me. grrrrrr. I wanted inches and inches of snow. I want to make a snowman with my kids--Addy wants to make a cowgirl one. I want to get a tractor ride in the snow. I want to have a snowball fight. And what do we have right now? A T-R-A-C-E. I'm sure there are lots people out there right now who do not want snow. I do. Bring it on.

I tried not to get my hopes up...I really did. I tried repeating the first prediction...over and over...he said it would "move right through and not accumulate." Then finally late this afternoon when the map was STILL saying 5-9 inches...I said fine...maybe it will snow...and I ran out and got Ellie a snow suit.

Apparently I jinxed it by doing so.

No fair.


  1. We got a few can come play over here...everything is covered in white!

  2. I know how you feel- I was wanting the "up to an inch" predicted here so we would have fresh snow for our Christmas picture :-( But if you believe the weathermen you almost always get the opposite of what they say- I think thats God's way of telling us he's still in charge! :-)
