Wednesday, March 12, 2008

In N Out Burger

Here I am eating at one of Sally's fave places in Cali. I have to admit it was sooo good. And as you can see I lost another 2 inches off my hair on this trip. That makes 8. I love it feels good. We are having a great time. I do not understand why the California people are all flocking to Kansas. I miss my girlies though. But it is nice to only have to worry about me. Although I don't know what to do with myself almost.

You'll notice I have on a short sleeve shirt. I got HOT sitting there outside and I was a little worried about getting a sunburn. Not to brag or anything.


  1. I'm so glad you're having fun. Your hair looks SO cute, can't wait to see it when you get back. We're missing you here.

  2. I love all the pix!!! I hope A & E get to see them before you get back!! I think you hair looks cute, too. Are you putting sunscreen on that bunny so he doesn't get a sunburn??? Miss you!

    Love, Mom

  3. HAHAHA! You have sunglasses on over your glasses!!! I thought I was the only one who did that!!!

  4. Mmmm, I could sure go for an In N Out burger right now...maybe Jana will bring some to us!

    Actually, I would forgo the burger for some sonshine and 60 degree weather...what have we come back to???
