Saturday, February 23, 2008

piles and piles

My sister in law is pregnant as is expecting her first baby (a boy!) in 8-9 weeks. She is super smart, super motivated, super with-it, super organized, super fun, super ... well you get it. But lately she has been experiencing "pregnancy body" -- you know...where you drop things, forget things, aren't organized, and can't find things. Which is so not her.

We have been talking about how she has piles of papers everywhere in her house. One pile for a breastfeeding class -- one pile for hospital registration -- one pile for daycares -- one pile for this and that...and how she is so befuddled by the clutter and piles and files.

At the time I was thinking "oh just wait, sally" but then she told me another friend had already pointed out that it doesn't go away after pregnancy but continutes on. The piles just turn into softball registration forms, preschool choices and prices, book orders, and recipes your picky eater may consume. So I didn't feel too bad poiting out that there are other kinds of piles too.

Like how Ellie has decided that the stencil box has become a home and carrying case for her I have a pile of homeless stencils.

And I have a giant pile of blankets, towels, and sheets that are waiting to folded since I had to wash them allll at once after the flu.

And I have a pile of books I need to add to Addy and Ellie's reading lists.

And I have a giant pile of movies Neal picked up from the library I want to watch in the alloted time.

I have a giant pile of clothes that are 1/2 clean because the girls have been playing dress up with regular clothes.

I have a giant pile of art supplies that need to be put away after making "get well" pictures for our sick neighbor.

Piles and piles. And just when I think I have a head start on the process of defeating the piles...another pile will rear its ugly head. It's like wrestling an octopus. (Or as Ellie says, a "woctopus".) Just when I have the art supplies picked up, the books added to the list and put away, a couple movies watched while I fold blankets, the dress up madness firmly ended, located a new home for the stencils, and cooked a recipe out of the pile...the pile of new curtains falls off the dryer reminding me I need to hang them up.

I have no doubt that Sally will make an awesome mom. I'm so excited for her to get to put on the badge of the "woctopus warriors" and join in the battle together.

Go, Sally!


  1. You were trying to get this out of your head quick weren't you?? ;-) And that is discouraging to me- because I already have lots of piles- and NO kids!!! :-(

  2. You're so sweet to me! And I have an idea how to fix my piles...I got a binder that will become the baby binder, and I'm going to try to organize it like I did for our wedding -- a tab for each different topic. We'll see how it goes.

    But, in the meantime, I forgot my cell phone at home when we went down to the hospital this afternoon to drop off my "bucket."

  3. AAHH the stuff!! Yes they do come and go! A LOT faster than they go. I've also realized that the brain goes too! The smiles and hugs are definitely worth the piles. I'm a pile maker by nature anyway!
