Friday, November 16, 2007

sick day--no---sick week

You never see it coming. least I never see it coming. And I try...every once in awhile I stop and think what would be the biggest problem if my kids were sick today. No chicken noodle soup...ok...pick it up on the next trip to the store. Laundry backed up??? Do a few extra loads. But I never have just been thinking about it when they actually up and throw up on me.

And we'd just been to the doctor? Yes. Remember the ear wax thing?

So when on Monday night Ellie came down with a fever...I didn't even blink. No...she's not hot...its just hot in here. Tuesday...very sick Ellie. She only walked to me out of bed...and to go the bathroom. The rest of the time she was curled up on some blankets in front of the TV. And most of that time asleep. If you know Ellie at know she is a firecracker...and hardly is ever still. She was sick.

Wednesday when I picked up Addy from school...her teacher met me at the door to tell me she thought Addy wasn't feeling so well and that she really wilted.

Addy came down with the same yucky fever virus and spent the rest of the evening still and went to bed really early. I planned to keep her home on Thursday so that she wouldnt give any germs to any other kids.

So Thursday during lunch...chicken nuggets and a movie...I have both kids...and Ellie starts throwing up. She threw up 5 times--I felt so bad for her. She spent Thursday alternating between throwing up and sleeping.

I just knew Addy would get it today. Or wake up in the night covered in puke. I slept on the bottom bunk under her...and sickie Ellie spent the night in our room on the couch. Mind you...Neal took a sick day yesterday because he isn't feeling too good either. He said he was trying to talk to someone at work about a "Chevy" and it came out "-hitty." He came home after that.

So far so good with Addy...she seems ok. I'm quesy...but cleaning up after someone else who has been urping always makes me a little urpish too.

I need to catch up on laundry it case round 2 rears it ugly head.

At least this happened this week instead of next week. Nobody like a sickie over the holidays.


  1. Yuck-o. Sorry those precious girls are feling bad :-(
    We had a mom bring a sick kid into the office this morning, and he threw up all over the office- so everyone around here is feeling kinda urpish too. Hope you all get to feeling better!

  2. Everbody feeling better yet???

  3. You've been tagged! Check out my blog! :-)
