Friday, November 9, 2007

it's never good when the doctor goes..."eeeeew."

I took Ellie to the doctor today. I suspected she had an ear infection. She has been really really congested lately...and woke up from her nap digging around in her ear...on a Friday afternoon. I called the doctor and begged them to take us before the weekend hit.

On the way there she dumped most of chocolate shake on herself...but that is another story.

The doctor of course asked if she had a many ear infections she has had...blah blah. Then she went to check out her ears. 1st one...good. 2nd one...well..."hmm...I can't really see in her ear." She asked me to hold her ear back while she got this loopy tool thing and very carefully stuck it in her ear to get the wax out of the way. She didn't really get any out...but decided maybe she moved it around enough to see. After a second try with no visibility, she stuck back in the loopy tool and then pulled out a gooey strand of wax as long as my index finger.

Me: Oh my word!
Doctor: Oh my ... well ... I didn't think it was THAT big.
Me: Good grief...Ellie...can you hear me NOW?
Doctor: *giggling*
Me: No wonder I have to yell at her all the time.
Doctor: Well...I don't think she has an ear infection. How about a decongestant.

The weirdest things happen to my family.


  1. Uncle G says "that's gross!" :-) And he also asked when you started drinking coke instead of pepsi???

  2. all "soda" is coke. And really...after seeing Sean this summer....i quit drinking any thing not diet this summer. I drink a lot of diet dr pepper...which i call coke. :)

  3. Me too- I like the Diet Pepsi Max- I haven't had aregular soda since August 25th. It was one of the biggest culprits in my blood sugar rollar coaster. We've cut out a lot of processed foods, doing whole grain pasta & breads, brown rice. And we both feel better and blood sugars stay more stable now.

  4. B had to have that loopy thing in his ear one time, but the stupid nurse that was doing it had NO CLUE, and she kept digging and digging, and getting nothing, and I thought B was going to pass out from the pain!

    They ended up giving him some drops to try to loosen it up. What a mess!
